Monday, October 15, 2012

There are turkeys on my roof!

Last week, I went outside my front door to visit a neighbor and some of the turkeys that live in our neighborhood were hanging out on the sidewalk.  When I came back just a few minutes later, the turkeys were in our front yard.  No big deal.  After I went back in the house, I was working away in my office and suddenly one of the turkeys was airborne and flew up on the roof.  The rest of the turkeys followed suit and all four of them were walking around enjoying the view!  We see the turkeys often, but have never seen them get on our roof.  I snapped a few photos.


  1. Haha! Those turkeys are looking so cute up there. I remember seeing a monkey playing up on my grandmother’s roof a few years ago. He was cute, but we had a hard time getting rid of it. I guess we cannot really avoid instances like this one. The important thing is that these adorable animals do not do anything that can cause damage to our roofs.

    Laurelle  Baughman

  2. Now that’s a surprise! You normally wouldn’t see turkey on your roof, but there they were, sauntering up there like it was their house! Haha. I agree with what Laurelle said. Some animals, especially those that have claws like cats and birds, can damage the roof. They can tear or scrape the shingles, and those might open up further, leaving room for leaks to happen. It would be best to check on your roof after that to see if anything has been damaged.

    @Terence Watthens

  3. It might seem amusing at first, but be warned that those birds can damage your roof severely. My friend who lives in a barn experienced having chicken on his roof. And like other fowls, its talon scraped and tore away at some of the shingles. I would advise to let it come down your roof the next time it does that.

  4. I advise that you clean your roof often so that birds wouldn't have no reason to peck around on your roof. I'm sure that the roof that Noreen was talking about, had something on it which was eaten by the birds.

  5. There is one highly probable reason I can think of why birds love to stay on your roof – they can find and get something to eat up there. So, it is important to clean your roof frequently. That might be a pretty interesting sight, but your roof’s quality will be compromised if it continues.
